Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Escape from Sobibor essays

Escape from Sobibor essays In the movie, Escape from Sobibor, takes place in Germany during World War 2. The movie shows how horrible life for the Jews was in Sobibor, a death camp during the war. Although the prisoners in the camps went through so much devastation, they still managed to entertain themselves and make the best f their situation. They struggled to survive and in the end, they were able to liberate themselves and escape. In the beginning of the movie, hundreds of Jews would arrive to the camp by train. Though Sobibor was a death camp, newcomers were told it was strictly a labor camp. The men and women were divided in two groups. Women and children on one side and men fifteen and older on the other. The SS officers then asked for all the seamstresses and shoemakers to step out of line. The rest of the people were told they would be taken to have a hot shower and get their clothes sterilized. However, they were taken to a gas chamber where they were naked and gassed to death. Hundreds of men, women, and children were left dead. Those who made shoes and were professional seamstresses were taken into the camp and made clothes and shoes for the officers. The workers faced hunger and feared for their lives. Some Jews came up with a plan to escape from Sobibor. They began secretly making knives and other weapons. When the day came to carry out their plan, they successfully killed several SS officers. They stole guns and ammunition from them and cut off the telephone lines. That afternoon the prisoners ran out of the front gate. Others cut down the wired fences and broke through the gates. Everyone fled to the woods to reach safety. Some, however, did not make it and were shot by machineguns while trying to escape. Sixhundred prisoners attempted to escape that day and over 300 fled to safety and were saved. The main theme of the movie was survival, every man for himself. The prisoners faced hunger and disease ...

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