Saturday, October 19, 2019

Real Time Kinematic GPS (RTK GPS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Real Time Kinematic GPS (RTK GPS) - Essay Example Both of the receivers have their coordinates; the coordinates of the first reference receiver can be determined in a geocentric frame while the second’s in relation to the first receiver. The combined data of the two receivers is used by the mobile control device algorithms to work out the uncertainty of integers in order to calculate accurate positioning information. Wubbena, et al. (1996) informs that the precision and consistency of RTK solution reduces with adding distance from the reference station. Virtual Reference Station or VRS is a concept that is interrelated to RTK. The figure about the conceptualization of VRS indicates the reference stations of GPS, which work at a distance of seventy kilometres. There is a communication network established between the reference stations through which, data is transferred from one station to other. According to Higgins (2001), the data that is received on the central computer from reference stations results in the modelling of spatial errors due to which, the working of GPS is restricted. As far as users are concerned, they think that it is because of the roving receivers that transfer a mobile call to the central computer due to which, the position of GPS is approximated and corrections are demanded. After this processing, the central computer is able to make corrections on the basis of the coordinates of roving receiver and reference receiver. In order to get more precise results and to make the value of dimensions much authentic and for the lessening of the problems due to which, restrictions are there in terms of survey of RTK, much improved impression of VRS survey is created. According to Cislowski and Higgins (2006), the VRS RTK technique is able to augment the productivity to nearly thirty to fifty percent. In addition, the time needed for procedures and people required for the jobs according to a human resource

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